
I am an incoming tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Humanities and Social Science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Study of Contemporary China at the University of Pennsylvania. I received both my Ph.D. in Political Science and M.S. in Statistics from the University of Chicago.

I study government-citizen relations under authoritarianism and develop quantitative methods that overcome data reliability issues. In my first book project, I examine how China controls public dissent through selective media coverage of administrative lawsuit results and why Chinese citizens still sue their administrators despite knowing that they are not likely to win. Other topics of my research include the effect of petitions on lawsuits, detecting preference falsification, voting behaviors of immigrants from autocracies, public opinion towards China in East Asia, and non-traditional data such as text and audio.

My research has received support from APSA (NSF) DDRIGKorea Foundation for Advanced StudiesAssociation for Asian Studies, and Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago, among others.

Before coming to Chicago, I lived in South Korea. I received an M.A. in Political Science and International Relations and a B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature from Seoul National University.